Hi, I'm yang its not my real name though. I am making this site out of the inspiration of the early internet days as best as I can even though i was in 2004. I want to try and recreate a 2000s feel. I am also using this to improve my coding skills too. I am new and is trying to get the hang of coding and bulding websites. It is unique and hard ngl. I'm also going to use this to post my novels as well. I love anime and been mainly a fan of the 2000s anime. I am also a furry to. I was in college in the making of this. I had a facination for old websites since around maybe highschool I believe. I am a reallly chill person and i live when people speak there mind so dont worry about offending me if you disagree or have your own belief after all thats what the freedom of speech is for. I enjoy listening to shortwave radios, I love cultures, history, and games. I'll be working on this website every so often